Posted by: Mama Bear | August 18, 2008

there’s a mouse in the house

This hood for Logan’s Mickey Mouse costume is giving me fits. It’s a little closer to being finished, thank goodness.

I just have to put the lining in, which I’ll do once I remember to buy the correct amount of fabric. I’ve made two trips to the store and have yet to come back with enough.

Good thing I started early.


  1. Awwwwwwwwww he looks sooo handsome.. Can’t wait to see it all finished.. You are doing great 🙂

  2. WOW Lisa! That is a fantastic job. Will you make costumes for my kids? I will make you a knitted washcloth in exchange.

  3. I’ll gladly make them as long as they won’t go as brides again. I’d rather see them choose something more realistic…divorce lawyers, maybe.

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